Jose Guerra

Owner. Manual Practitioner & Rehabilitator.

Jose is a motivated and dedicated professional with a passion for helping people get out of pain and return to the activities they love most. With a strong background in functional assessments, manual therapy and rehabilitation, he brings an exceptional combination of skills and knowledge to every case he works with. This uncommon set of talents has allowed Jose to thrive in challenging situations. He has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results in enhancing athletic performance and injury prevention





Professional experience:

Jose has 12 years' experience in manual therapy. Throughout his career, he has helped countless clients achieve their functional goals. He has worked with clients from various sports, helping them solve complex physical limitations and ultimately achieve exceptional results. His ability to adapt to different needs and collaborate effectively with teams and other professionals has been key to his success.

Growing up, Jose was always involved in many sports, such as kettlebell training for strength, power and endurance. He competed in swimming, track & field, taekwondo and volleyball. He has a passion for physical activities and aims to rehabilitate patients and clients from all kinds of injuries and backgrounds. Jose is experienced in working with Special Forces, first responders, international athletes at IronMan events, and fitness competitors. He tailors every assessment and treatment plan using a variety of modalities to obtain maximal results and ensure an enhanced quality of life for every patient.


Passion and motivation:

Jose is passionate about the human body and how it can be optimized. He constantly seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge and skills. Jose is driven by a desire to understand his clients' needs and help them as much as he can. This passion fuels his commitment to delivering exceptional results and exceeding client expectations.

Here are some of the other tools he collected from around the world:

Previous Osteopathy training:

Key Achievements:

Jose prides himself on getting athletes and active individuals back to sports and activities pain-free. Back in Canada Jose helped many IronMan athletes recover from serious repetitive injuries, regain their strengthen, improve their game and succeed on their goals. In the same manner, specific to the sport and athletes, Jose helped many Hockey players, Swimmers, and Soccer players. Here in Florida, Jose works mostly with golf players, but also with Tennis and Pickleball players.

Jose has the unique experience of helping a specialized RCMP unit (specialized Canadian police) get from being in debilitating pain that prevented them from performing their jobs, to getting back to their teams, not only rehabbed, but much physically stronger and faster than before

Some clients come to the clinic for help but have little interest in gym activities. Jose sees them as athletes too. If they have a body, they are athletes. He just modifies the treatments and rehabilitation to meet these clients where they are.

Another group of clients suffer from internal, deeper issues related to the nervous system or visceral organs. Osteopathy, Cranio Sacral, and Visceral, are usually the tools of choice here. While the approach is different, much gentler, results are still the objective; the treatments encourage self-healing.

Jose is experienced in treating many conditions ranging from repetitive use injury (such as tennis and golfer's elbow and jumpers knee), rehabilitation from injuries and surgeries, low back pain, degenerative disc disease, TMJ disorder, migraines, tension headaches, trigeminal neuroglia, sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, motor vehicle accident injury such as whiplash, plantar fasciitis, chronic pain such as fybromyalgia, torticollis, and stress induced pains. He looks forward to helping you reach optimal health and wellness!

In the future, Jose aspires to expand the reach of his and his team’s care to provide accessible, high quality manual therapy in the health care field. He is eager to take on upcoming challenges and contribute to the growth and success of the therapeutic clinic. As a health care professional, he is open to exploring new opportunities and expanding his horizons.

For more information or to discuss how Jose can help in a particular case, please contact him at 


Monday to Friday - 8am to 1pm


Licensed Massage Therapist Number MA 104206

AAOMP 1123/ CTH-202300234

American Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners/ Certified Tribal Healer 

Business License Number MM 44436