Adding Neck ROM to your Wellness Practice

Boost Your Daily Comfort with These Simple Neck Range of Motion Exercises

The neck is one of the most important—and often neglected—areas when it comes to mobility and comfort. Whether you're working at a desk, driving, or simply going about your day, a stiff neck can hold you back. Fortunately, a few simple neck range of motion exercises can make a big difference in how you feel and function.

How to Perform Neck Range of Motion Exercises:

1. Flexion & Extension  

2. Rotation 

3. Side Flexion (Lateral Flexion)  

These Exercises Matter for Daily Life

Performing these exercises regularly can help prevent neck stiffness and discomfort caused by poor posture, prolonged sitting, or stress. They also improve circulation, which supports better overall mobility and can even reduce headaches. Whether you're at your desk, driving, or just winding down after a long day, incorporating neck stretches can help you move more freely and comfortably in your daily activities.

These movements are easy to perform anywhere and require no equipment—just a few minutes of your time to feel the benefits! Follow along with this video tutorial ;)